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Find and thrive in your dream job

Welcome to TWWork; a brand committed to helping anyone and everyone find and thrive in their dream job.

Join us as we explore career journeys, learn from others’ experiences and insights, and tackle outdated and fundamentally discriminatory career problems.


The Boss... ish

Meet Michelle aka 'Chops'

Meet Chops. Or Michelle, or Shelley, or Shells, or Mummy, or Auntie Shell, or Aunty Chops. She's all of these and she's the woman behind TWWork.


She really is a woman on a mission. A mission to provide helpful, practical and most importantly, inspirational, career and life support advice for anyone that needs it.

Sitting having a podcast chat


TWWork (formerly This Woman’s Work) started with a fundamental desire to celebrate women in work; and in doing so, wanted to provide helpful, practical and (hopefully) inspirational career and life support advice for women that needed it.


As the journey progressed, it became apparent that the ethos and the service offering could help much further and wider afield… and that there were further and wider problems afoot.


The rebrand to TWWork enables us to (still) focus and shine a light on women, BUT, it can now be a brand and a service for all ages and genders. It can help as many people as possible, to find a career path that lights them up at a soul level, and a career path that can really work for THEM.


And if it works for them, it will work for business, and for the wider economy…

Watch our 'about' YouTube videos below...

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