... That's what I believe anyway. Having applied for well over 100 jobs over 12-months from 2023 to 2024, more if I count those I applied for in 2022; and been ignore for ALL bar 2 of them?!
One of those two I got (for a short while, but that's a different story), so in that respect, I at least have a 50% success rate.
But why was I unsuccessful? According to my ex-husband's legal team in our recent settlement hearing, I was applying for the wrong jobs (they also told me I shouldn't be doing TWW - that this podcast/brand wasn't my skillset, like it is his - so I should stop... My response, that no I didn't give in 'court', I just sat there and took it, was that nothing is anyone's skillset until they start doing it. 'This' wasn't my ex's skillset until he starting doing it - and doing it with the help of many people, including me! At least I'm building my skillset up alone. Pah!
(Sorry, mini-rant over)
But I wasn't applying for the wrong jobs - I applied for lots of different types of jobs, from 'Heads' of departments/functions, to lower manager level (which I am very experienced at). I applied for marketing jobs, content jobs, event jobs; I even applied for PA work.
But I didn't get a look in for any of them and it's always left me wondering 'why'?
Chatting to my old boss in Break Room 2, she suggested that my age could factor into it, that now in my mid fourties I'm less controllable, and an insecure leader might be wary of me. This was a bitter pill to swallow, but equally, felt like it had some truth to it.
And as I chat through 'age', plus many other things with Nicki in Break Room 5, more light was shone on this. Because young people are smart and they play the game way better than my generation did. They're not massively loyal and they move about to progress and earn more money... Which means when I'm applying for jobs, not only am I up against people in their thirties; I'm also up against 20 somethings as well.
Please be assured, this chat wasn't just a 'Chops' rant, we did also discuss things like salary transparency (and a lack of), plus the role AI is now playing in the creative industry and indeed the recruitment of such; and other stuff.
Even so, we barely scratched the surface on the world of recruitment, so much more of that is to come.
For now, enjoy.
Chops x
Nicki's business is True Fox Recruitment. Her Linked In, is: https://www.linkedin.com/company/true-fox-recruitment, and her website is: https://www.truefox.co.uk
Click here to listen to the Nicki's Break Room's podcast:
Click here to read all about how to get started in the world of Recruitment. And how you (yes YOU!) could get started in a career like this: