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Chops Blog
Some blurb from behind the scenes...

2 days ago2 min read
76: Meet Jordan: An award winning HR consultant & Chief People Officer...
A good friend introduced me to Jordan over a coffee about 6/7 months ago. I was chatting to her about TWWork, including my goals and...

Feb 22 min read
75: Meet Gemma: A highly experienced and highly respected TV & media producer...
When Gemma came onto my radar I was so excited. Because having worked in (and behind the scenes) of media for most of my working life,...

Dec 29, 20242 min read
70: Meet Manisha: A business and economics teacher, and online tutoring business owner...
Not only was coming across Manisha great for TWWork, but it was also great for me, because I have been meaning to find a maths tutor for...

Dec 22, 20242 min read
It's that time again... It's Christmas (2024) Mash-up Time...
... Which is where we showcase a whole load of gems and snippets from the podcasts this year. The last mash-up was back in June, so this...

Dec 15, 20242 min read
Break Room 7: Nick: How to be successful in business (and the common mistakes people make)...
If you haven't already listened to Nick's chat, please do, because when I say he has a great voice, he really does. He's an Aussie who's...

Nov 17, 20243 min read
Break Room 6: Jim and Janet: When we were young...
I have THE BEST neighbours. I do. And although you might read this and think that you do, you don't, I do. Why? Because they are also my...

Oct 17, 20242 min read
Did somebody say 'Power Shoot'?
I did.. I said it... In fact I didn't just say it, I did it. And it was TERRIFYING... UTTERLY TERRIFYING! ... But I did it for for 3...

Oct 14, 20241 min read
Hi! And welcome to TWWork...
The name has changed, because the direction has changed… slightly. I always knew TWW would have to evolve and grow with the consumer need...

Sep 15, 20242 min read
Break Room 5: Nicki & Chops: Recruitment is a young person's game
... That's what I believe anyway. Having applied for well over 100 jobs over 12-months from 2023 to 2024, more if I count those I applied...

Aug 4, 20242 min read
Break Room 4: Jo & Chops: The highs & lows of making career changes
To end 'Teacher Week' and for our fourth Break Room chat, I sat down with the fabulous, Jo, who (if you're interested) is actually Sophie...

Jun 16, 20241 min read
2024 Mid-Year Mash-up
Can you believe we are half way through 2024... it's crazy?! But we are, and what a year it's been so far - 22 women podded, 3 of which...

May 26, 20242 min read
44: Meet Gemma: A highly qualified Solicitor and bad-ass IP & Trademark Attorney
Receiving a DM from Gemma was a shining light on a dark day... a dark few days. I'd had a couple of pretty sh***y weeks and was starting...

Apr 28, 20242 min read
40: Meet Vicky: A tech-savvy, people-centric Marketing VP, who's fully embracing her world of Dyslexia
I didn't know Vicky 'suffered' with Dyslexia. But then again, I have only ever known her socially, and she's developed such advanced...

Apr 21, 20242 min read
39 // Vid 2: Meet Helen: A kick-ass corporate political advisor who now runs her own successful comms agency
Hearing Helen's story, and journey, was exactly what I needed this week. ... I won't keep harping on about it (if you've seen my...

Apr 7, 20242 min read
BREAK ROOM 2: Nic & Chops
Welcome to our second 'Break Room' and our second chat about life as a working woman today. Nic was/is the best boss I ever had, and...

Mar 17, 20242 min read
35 // Vid 1: It's time for Chops' own career story to lead the video charge...
As I have already said across mine and TWW's socials; it's time to next things to the next level, which means making some videos... Which...

Mar 10, 20242 min read
34: Meet Annie: A power-house Social Media Exec and an amazing Mumma
I've known Annie for about 18-months, after our sons' joined secondary school at the same time. And whilst I heard what she did for work...

Feb 25, 20242 min read
32: Meet Helen: A kick-ass Architect with a penchant for sustainability
Helen and I first met when we got our teenage Saturday jobs at a (pretty high-end) local homewares/gift shop in our local town. We sold...

Jan 28, 20242 min read
28: Meet Fozia: A bad-ass Pharmacologist and a Biomedical Start-up CEO
Fozia got in touch after my shout-out for women working in male-dominated industries... 'It's full of men' she told me in the chat....

Jan 7, 20242 min read
24: Meet Katy: A (Self-proclaimed Opportunistic) Sustainability-focussed Senior Civil Servant
Katy is an energetic, driven, passionate woman. I've always admired her. And even when she broke up with her boyfriend (which is how we...
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